Q. Isn’t the 180 Movie the best way to reach people who are thinking about an abortion? After all, don’t most people at the abortion clinics yell and scream?
A. I am a huge fan of the 180 Movie, but it does not meet the immediate needs of abortion-determined women, right where they need help (abortion centers). Not to mention, what about helping the babies who need someone to speak up for them where they are dying, as in Proverbs 31:8, 9 and Proverbs 24:11, 12? The 180 Movie is an awesome tool, but it is not the sole answer.
I think that many people have a great misunderstanding of those who minister outside abortion centers, and I hope to help clear this up a bit. As both a second generation homeschooler and second generation pro-life missionary, I have seen and experienced what can come from a Scripturally-based, mission-minded upbringing. Just as my parents before us, we have incorporated family ministry into our life of home education. Our entire family of twelve ministers, at least once weekly, at one of Charlotte’s three local abortion centers.
Through this ministry we have been able to witness nearly 300 babies and mothers saved from the terrors of abortion JUST THIS YEAR (9 months). Many times we are able to minister to these men and women, on a short-term and long-term basis. So in essence, we go about this particular ministry, making disciples by reaching souls and saving lives outside of abortion clinics. The ministry of which we are board members is Cities4Life, which is endorsed by such people as homeschool speakers, Hal and Melanie Young and Alex Kendrick of “Courageous” and “Fireproof” (Alex actually ministered with us at “our” abortion center, following our annual Cities4Life dinner and he said, “Cities4Life is more than I expected it to be. They link ministries and organizations together in a way that not only strengthens them individually, but doubles the impact collectively! I am now a raving fan and supporter of Cities4Life and cannot wait to see how God uses this ministry to advance His kingdom!” - Alex Kendrick).
We have been blessed to see our children growing spiritually by leaps and bounds through our family ministry. They have learned and are continuing to learn to effectively share the Gospel, defend their faith in God and their beliefs on pro-life issues and clearly discern between good and evil. They have seen women and men surrender their lives to Jesus and have participated in connecting these people with local resources and ministries.
Our family has seen and held babies that were saved months earlier as their mamas were walking into the very abortion center where we ministered that day. Just think...those “saved babies” had a literal appointment to be murdered and God used some simple Christians to reach out to their mamas at the last minute, speaking truth and hope! We have witnessed to mamas and daddies and have seen salvations as a result. We have connected these mamas with a network of ministries and charities, according to their needs. We have taken some of these women into our home to show them Biblical hospitality. I have mentored some of these moms, conducting weekly Bible studies, watching them grow in Jesus. This family ministry truly is real-life mission work! This ministry is SO needed, but much neglected (hopefully due to ignorance)! We have received calls from post-abortive moms who were broken about their abortions, but read the Gospel tract we gave them in our pre-abortion packets (as they went in for their abortions) and prayed to receive Jesus, as a result! The harvest is so ripe, but due to media presentations of the FEW bad apples in the prolife movement (that really are no more), people are scared to step out in faith and do what they have been Biblically called to do. Praise Jesus, though, that we are seeing more people become interested in this mission field of souls and lives! Will you be the next to allow Jesus to use you?
For those of you who are reading this and feel God tugging at your heart to stand up and Biblically defend the little ones by speaking the truth in gentle love, please check out THIS website, which gives some instruction on starting a pro-life ministry and/or follow me on Facebook, as we post many updates (and photos)! If you are in the Charlotte area, check out this awesome ministry that is DOING things in the Charlotte area to save babies and minister to women - Cities4Life!
Think on this: Have you ever stated in pride what YOU would have done during the Jewish holocaust if you had been there? Well, there's a holocaust in your backyard. The time to act on the holocaust of unborn babies was YESTERDAY! What have you ACTIVELY done to stop the murder? The Church, in general, is complacent to what is going on in this country. Are you going to act or continue to sit idly by why your neighbor – the least of these - is murdered?
Lisa Metzger