A family who is engaging the culture through biblical evangelism and by actively contending for the faith is a Family on a Mission, advancing the Kingdom of God not just presently, but for generations to come.
Mark and Lisa Metzger explain the importance of teaching your children to share their faith and beliefs through active family ministry within your homeschool. Learn why it is important to supply your children with the tools they will need to face a world that hates God, becoming the warriors God intends them to be, while simultaneously incorporating your family ministry into your child’s or teen’s academic studies in a variety of ways.
They will show you how to practically integrate family ministry into your homeschool and family life and get beyond that comfort zone of homeschooling solely with the four walls of your home. While providing practical tips on how to schedule your week to allow for a day of active ministry, how to record your ministry academically, Mark and Lisa will explain how their family’s ministry has shaped their children’s education, worldview and changed their family forever.